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2024 Fall APPEAL
Help us and young Americans bring service and the joy of the Gospel to the Holy Land, Lebanon, France, and Italy! Connect in a personal way to our brothers and sisters and young disciples in these war-torn or post-Christian countries!
War rages in the Middle East, cynicism reigns in Europe. Yet our fire burns bright.
We hope to raise at least $40,000 in gifts and pledges. Part of this will go directly to the solar projects underway at Emmaus and our house in Lebanon, projects that are pivotal for those communities to move forward. The appeal will also support the Jubilee 2025 trip to Rome and 6-day backpacking and camping trip to Assisi. The climax: Pope Francis will canonize Pier Giorgio Frassati! May he inspire a new generation of saints.
Tell your young friends!
Please consider a monthly tithe! Tithing is a way to give the Lord our first portion. Our bishops encourage us to give half our tithe to our parish and the other half to the charities we care about.
You can make donations specific to Emmaus, to Lebanon, to a specific young person, or to "all Beatitudes Missions projects."
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