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the community of the beatitudes
Denver, since 1999
At the heart of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, our priests, sisters, families, and young vocations form a spiritual family that shares in daily Eucharist, chanted Liturgy of the Hours, meals, chores, pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, adoration, and recreation. We also travel for missions. And we love to get away to the foothills for times of solitude at the cabins we manage, or for a group hike!
Come pray with us in the parish church anytime. Join us Tu-Sat for chanted morning prayer at 7:15am or daily Mass at 8am, Sunday Mass at 11am, Saturday evening Byzantine Vespers at 5:15pm followed by dinner and dance lessons! Text Fr. Anthony if you're interested! ‪(720) 336-1492‬

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