GRoup trips
Looking to organize a group of young adults to pilgrimage to Israel from your campus ministry, diocese, or community? Find more details about our group pilgrimages here. Contact us to ask specific questions or if you would be interested in hosting us on your campus.
Already working with us, see your group's dates and preparation material.
Late October
Ages 20-28 or 28-35
15-25 people depending on leadership support
in good mental and physical shape
ready to offer this time to Jesus Christ and to His Church
ready to study, hike, camp, sleep with roommates, participate fully in group prayer, take time for silent personal prayer
open to and interested in encountering Judaism and the Eastern Rites of the Church
sample Itinerary
Fri: Arrivals, stop at Emmaus for a quick rest and for gear; Shabbat prayer at Western Wall and Blessing Cup; sleep next 3-4 nights in the dormitories of a religious community
Sat: Bethlehem
Sun: Hebron: Tombs of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah
Mon: Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Assumption, Way of the Cross, Holy Sepulchre
Tues: Hike Wadi Kelt valley to St. George Monastery or shorter hike Jericho to Temptation Monastery; Mass/renewal of Baptismal promises at site of Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan; visit Orthodox church of Zachaeus’ Sycamore, Dead Sea, sleep parish center in Nablus or Nazareth, or camp on shores of Sea of Galilee
Wed: Visit Nazareth
Th: hike Capernaum to Mt. of Beatitudes
Fri: hike Mt. Tabor, camp
Sat: bus to Caesarea (St. Cornelius, St. Paul), sleep at Shrine of Our Lady of Palestine, liturgy with sisters
Sun: hike 10km mountain trail to Emmaus, Mass at Holy Site, dinner/dances with Community of the Beatitudes brothers and sisters, camp in yard
Mon: Morning Prayer and Mass at Emmaus, departures
Sample itinerary subject to change based on length of trip (8 days to 14 days), your desires for your group, and availability of accommodations.
Initial non-refundable group fee/deposit: $500 (see Paypal, Venmo, and check options at the Give page); a second non-refundable $500 fee due by three months ahead of the trip.
$1850+airfare per person ages 20-28, $1950 ages 29-35
Airfare and travel/health insurance (around $65) which you arrange and take care of as a group