Over and over again, we are reminded of the blessing to be able to minister to young people even through masks and over 6 feet of distance. In our college missions, students witnessed our joyful prayer and presence, and after joining us, they shared about the loneliness and isolation they are feeling. Our team helped ministries overcome the new barriers! For example, we love to get students chanting, however, at Benedictine College, the diocese only permitted the priest and cantor to sing. Over 200 people attended our Mass, and we invited everyone to follow the COVID rules and just hum the music. Melodies and harmonies resonated through the large church!
With your help, we’re expanding our ministries stateside; we stand ready to resume our mission in Israel and France and Peru when borders open; and we’re finding new avenues open to our mission abroad: Lebanon!
Expanding: Abroad and in the US
In 2019, over 100 pilgrims, 8 different pilgrimages
18 immersions/internships of 3+ months in 2019-2020
8 pilgrims of 2019 entered seminary or religious life in 2020
5 home retreats
7 mountain retreats in 2020
17 campus missions in 2020

Annual Appeal Goals
Looking towards the future, we plan to compensate Community Houses and members for services, cover up-front costs for World Youth Day Lisbon 2023, and create a stable home center of operations in Denver.
Community Houses at Emmaus, Denver, Lima, Lourdes, and Beirut have offered shelter, teaching time, spiritual direction, and support to hundreds of our pilgrims. While we have given houses a small donation in the past, their generosity allowed us to provide more for our pilgrims without increasing the price. This year, they need help more than ever. For example, the house at Emmaus is without income as all pilgrimages have been suspended since March; we want to aid their ministry to Jews and Muslims! The house in Denver is dedicated more and more to forming their new vocations, a ministry that brings no income; they are true partners in our mission to launch young people as they answer the call to be priests and religious!
We plan to take over 100 young people on a month-long path of formation and mission to Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023. We are already partnering with campus ministries, building our leadership team, plotting our media outreach, and putting aside a fund for risk management.
Finally, with the growth of our team and our domestic programs, we are establishing a stable homebase in Denver. We now have a Board of Directors, an Assistant Director, and a team of interns. We are looking for a house near the Denver Community that will include both living and working space for our team when they are in the US.
We are hoping to raise $31,500 in gifts or pledges by December 13th.
Become a monthly donor for 2021! To cover our increased expenses, we are looking for new monthly donors
- 75 mission partners to give $15/month
- 50 mission partners to give $20/month
- And 10 mission partners to give $50/month
And please continue to pray for us and for our young people as they strive to discern the Lord’s voice and follow where he leads!
God bless,
Fr. Anthony, Director
Terra, Assistant Director
Michaela, Intern
Dani, Intern